About 180° Faith Based

Who We Are

Core Values

The following Core Values and Beliefs will be incorporated throughout the text of the Christian Curriculum and operating functions of the faith based program:

  • Christ-Centered
  • Integrity
  • Trustworthiness
  • Citizenship
  • Respect
  • Fairness
  • Caring
  • Personal Accountability and Responsibility
  • Commitment
  • Purposeful Action
  • Servant hood


"It was a nice transition from the reflection exercise to launch into learning their true identity. As we looked into the bible passages we saw how God changed people's identity and name because he had a purpose and plan for their lives. Students became curious as to what their purpose or identity may be. I brought in an outline that biblically described their identity in Christ and the students were encouraged to share these findings with their parents."

Mission Statement

180's mission is to passionately help youth improve their lives by accepting personal accountability and to continuously strive toward the goal of achieving their full potential, "one degree" at a time. We will, utilize comprehensive, research based and measureable approaches of intense instructional, participatory and interactive character and life skills education that is based upon 180's "Core Values" and Godly principles. We will always deliver those services in the most professional, innovative and highly effective manner.

Philosophy Statement

All individuals have the ability to lead highly productive and fulfilling lives. This fundamental belief lies at the core of our company. Each person has the potential to live a life that is driven by purpose, personal accountability and the confidence that he or she possesses the skills and talents to be successful. We believe that success is not a linear, uniform process; it is an individual, complex journey that leads people down diverse paths. Success for each of us mirrors that journey: it too is complex and diverse. However, we believe that there are five key elements to frame all successful journeys. These five components encapsulate the core of our company:

    1. Character Education
    2. Core Values
    3. 21st Century Skills
    4. Life Skills
    5. Community Outreach
Our company operates within the context of these five elements and will base all products, including the 180 Degree Program, on them as well. We believe that a truly successful individual is one who is grounded in the five components listed above, and one who possesses the new skills and talents demanded by the dynamics of our changing world. Our 180 Degree Program, a life-changing journey that assists youth in establishing and achieving goals and challenges them to reflect critically on their own behaviors, actions, and decisions, is the vehicle with which we can embed skills of each of the components within participants. Through this faith based program, we seek to expand our company's philosophy to youth around the globe in order to prepare them to be truly successful in today's 21st century world.